Bigfoot movies keep coming and I thought it was about time to review the
granddaddy of all the documentaries that popped up in the drive-in during the
seventies. While I’m a big fan of Mysterious Monsters from Schick Sunn this is
still my favorite.
In the
Legend of Boggy Creek director Charles B. Pierce tells the story of the Fouke
monster. A creature similar to Bigfoot that has been spotted in and around
Fouke Arkansas for years. Instead of shooting a traditional movie he mixes in
stories from the locals with reenactments of their encounters with the
creature. In many cases he used the locals, sometimes the actual people
involved in the sightings, instead of actors. Since this was shot on a
shoestring budget, I’m sure he did that to save money, but it also lends some
authenticity and charm to the movie that sets it apart from other similar ones
that followed.
So what
kind of stories do we get? It starts off with a little boy running to the
general store to tell a man that his Ma had seen something in his fields. He
laughs this off because you know womenfolk and all… Hey it was the seventies.
But then we get a series of men hunting that run across the creature. We also
get to see it menace some girls at a sleepover, scare a kitten to death, and
kill a couple of dogs. There is also a sequence where the kids want to wake up
grandpa, but mom won’t let them. So, they take her out to show her the monster
they saw. Yeah, they really should have woke grandpa up! The best story is
saved for last where you have a pair of young couples renting a house together.
Over two nights they are terrorized by something coming up on the porch and
trying to open the door. I guess the Fouke monster learned how to use door
handles. This ends up in them running into the dark with shotguns and wounding
it, but not before it scares the hell out of one of them.
of scaring the hell out of someone this movie used to scare the crap out of me
when I was a kid. Seriously that last story where the girl is sitting on the
couch and the arm reaches thru the window after her scarred me for years. I’m
not kidding! I couldn’t sit next to an open window until I was in high school
and even then I’d get nervous if I thought about it. Of course, that never
stopped me from watching this every time it showed up on the late show. Isn’t
that why horror fans watch this stuff?
![]() |
Next time wake up Grandpa! |
Other highlights
from The Legend of Boggy Creek include the excellent narration, also provided
by Pierce under a different name, and some wonderful music and stingers
(musical cues). There are a pair of songs that I will guarantee you will stick
in your head for days after watching the movie. They are sung by… you guessed
it Pierce under yet another name. The guy did almost everything on this movie.
biggest complaint that I hear from people about the movie is that it is slow. I
can’t disagree with that because as much as I love the movie there are a couple
points where it is clearly being padded out with some nature footage and other
tricks. The difference is that I find that entertaining and expect it from a
regional drive-in movie like this. It is cut in so that while accomplishing the
goal of stretching the runtime out the movie doesn’t linger on it long enough
to disrupt the pacing.
line is this. If you dig Bigfoot movies, then you have to watch The Legend of
Boggy Creek. There were movies before this one, but this is what got the
Bigfoot mania of the seventies kicked into high gear. I recommend it and think
that with the right expectations you will have fun.
© Copyright 2019 John Shatzer
Did you see that the film has undergone a restoration and remaster at the George Eastman Museum, and will premiere again at the historic Perot Theatre, in Texarkana, TX, and will be seen again in it's full wide-scale format, with fully-restored sound? Here's a preview clip: