wraps up our third annual Slasher movie marathon here at Crappy Movie Reviews.
There were some old favorites, a couple new favorites, and a lot of… well
garbage seems to be too harsh. I think I’m starting to really scrape the bottom
of the barrel here in our third year. But I have plenty of time to find some
good stuff for next year and I always have more Friday the 13th
movies to look forward to.
is what we covered with some brief thoughts. I’ve also linked to the full
review at the end of each recap as well. Enjoy and as always thanks for supporting one horror nerds’
efforts to find and review every Slasher movie ever made, no matter how
the 13th Part III (1982)
– What can you say about this one? First hockey mask, goofy gags to take advantage
of the 3D, and of course the magic bag of props that seems to contain
everything. Full review here.
the 13th Part VI (1986)
– Thom Matthews of Return of the Living Dead fame stars as an all grown up
Tommy Jarvis in what I think is the last decent sequel of the original nine.
I’ve always considered Jason X to be sort of a reboot/parody. I love the old
Universal Horror vibe to the flick as well. Full review here.
Bro Party Massacre Part III (2017)
– Dude… Bro… That about sums up this movie. This could have been one of those
annoying attempts to spoof the Slasher genre, but it isn’t. Instead this is a
movie made in the spirit of them that while it cracks jokes at the genre’s
expense it does so with a lot of affection. Full review here.
Trap (1979) –
Chuck Connors is awesome. Do I need to say anymore? If you think I do then
check out the full review here.
University (1984)
– Super low budget attempt at a Slasher flick. Very slow at times, but there
are some good kills and the ending is a lot of fun. Full review here.
Might be the Killer (2018)
– This movie had a lot of hype when it first showed up on Shudder. Unlike some
others on this list it lived up to it. While totally different from Dude Bro
Party Massacre Part III in tone it is also a unique take on the Slasher genre
that is made by someone who clearly loves these movies. Check out the review here.
Forest (1982) –
Actor, Stuntman, Filmmaker Gary Kent is one of the greatest guys you could ever
meet. His performance is also the only thing of note in this weird attempt at a
backwoods slasher with ghosts and infidelity. It is a mess. If you want to see
Gary in a much better movie giving another stellar performance check out
Schoolgirls in Chains. The full review for The Forest can be found here.
Fest (2018) – This
is another movie that had some buzz surrounding it. While I give them an “A”
for effort Hell Fest fell very flat for me. Uninspired kills and ending that I
suppose was creepy, or at least wanted to be. Click here for more.
Ranger (2018) –
People were going bonkers for this one when it showed up on Shudder. While not
a bad movie it isn’t that good either. I need to file this one under “I don’t
get it”. The entire review can be found here.
Mutilator (1984) throwback Thursday
– This is a first for the marathon. I actually dug up an old review done for a
magazine a couple years ago. If you haven’t seen the Mutilator you really must
do so right away. Full review with a detailed look at the special features on
the disc here.
Camp (1983) – A
lot of people hate this movie. Coincidentally a lot of people are stupid as
well. I love this movie and it is a go to flick every October when I get in the
mood for some horror. This has one of the best shock endings in horror movie
history. Check out the full review here.
(1988) –
Thirty-one years old and this was a new one to me. The trailer looked killer
and also contained all the best horror bits in the movie. Not sure what genre
this movie wanted to be, but in the end it doesn’t really nail any of them. I
was disappointed. The full review can be found here.
Night (1980) – I
like to sprinkle in the classics when I do these marathons. This one has a good
mystery, Jamie Lee Curtis, and disco dancing! Oh and Leslie Nielsen is the dad.
This is an underappreciated early entry to the Slasher craze that dominated
horror in the early eighties. Full review here.
Games (1982) –
With the popularity of Slasher movies a lot of unreleased movies got a snazzy
new poster and tagline to try and fool the audience. Shot in the seventies
Deadly Games is one of those movies. While not awful it doesn’t deliver as
advertised. Click here for the full review.
Party Massacre (1982)
– This is one of the purest Slasher movies that you will ever see. It doesn’t
break new ground, gives the requisite nudity and kills at the proper intervals,
and doesn’t overstay it’s welcome at a tight seventy-six minutes. I have no
complaints about this one. The full review can be found here.
Day (1981) – This
is the polar opposite of Slumber Party Massacre. Overly long with mediocre
kills and a muddled plot. This is a complete mess that is only notable for the
inclusion of a young Vanna White as well as some early work by Linnea Quigley.
This one is a chore to get thru. Full review found here.
Workout (1987) –
Aerobics was really big in the eighties. You get to see a lot of lady butts in
leotards in this one, just in case you didn’t know how popular it was. I can’t
say that this is a good movie… it really isn’t! But there is something stupidly
fun about Killer Workout. Read here
for more.
you have any ideas for next summer’s marathon, please use the email box to the
upper right of this review to send them our way. Until then I hope you have fun
and remember to never ever go into the woods, prom, spooky cabin, to the beach,
or especially a creepy roadside attraction for some premarital nookie/weed
smoking. I can assure you it never ends well.
© Copyright 2019 John Shatzer
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